
MERA LUNA Festival 2020 abgesagt

Das Damoklesschwert, das über unser aller Köpfen und der Festivalsaison schwebte, hat sich herabgesenkt. Wir können unsere Trauer nicht in Worte fassen. Unser Familientreffen ist stets Anker und Heimathafen in der turbulenten Festivalsaison – doch es hat anscheinend dieses Jahr nicht sollen sein…

Aufgrund des bundesweiten Veranstaltungsverbots bis zum 31. August 2020 müssen wir das M’era Luna Festival 2020 absagen. Wir begrüßen diese Entscheidung natürlich als verständliche und wichtige Sicherheitsmaßnahme für die Bevölkerung und setzen bereits alles daran, eine reibungslose Kommunikation mit euch zu gewährleisten.

Das M’era Luna-Team arbeitet unermüdlich daran, die kommenden Schritte festzuzurren, aber leider brauchen wir dafür noch ein paar Tage. Wir melden uns natürlich schnellstens mit allen Infos bei euch!


nun ist es veröffentlicht. unser erstes studio album seit 2009 : “capitalism tm”. wir sind aufgeregt und neugierig, aufgeregt weil es einige zeit her ist, neugierig wie ihr es denn findet/finden werdet. teilt uns eure meinung, tadel, lob, gefühle gerne mit, zur musik, zum inhalt, zu den texten. zu was auch immer.



FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED!!! Rare and original German issue 5 track “DJ only promo CD”. These are given out to DJs only and only available for sale on Rotersand’s live gigs. Only 222(!!!) copies are sold via mail order shops now. The CD comes in a 4-panel digipak!

► CD: http://tinyurl.com/RoterTornCD
► iTunes: http://smarturl.it/Rotersand_iTunes
► Amazon mp3: http://tinyurl.com/RoterTornZon

A perpetual battle is raging in our midst. A battle unleashed on the very day the first gear-wheel creakily sprang to life. Man versus machine. Heart versus head. Emotion versus reason. To this day, this battle is without a vanquisher. And how can it be, with a solitary sovereign being neither neccessarry nor possible? This epiphany hit Rotersand far back in their remarkable career. It’s not about the conflict, about clinging to rigid formulas. It’s about the cooperation, about the merging of man and machine, of heart and mind, of entertainment and content. Electronic music, yet made by humans. Artificial worlds, yet brimming with life. This is what always distinguished Rotersand. Since their earliest beginnings they walked the line between catchiness and demanding themes. And since their earliest beginnings, it was their goal to deliver massive club anthems that not only resonate with heavily armed beats and vibrating synth force, but also with their message.

Having entered the strobelight as early as 2003 with their unforgettable “Merging Oceans”, they quickly paved their way into collective memory with electronic figureheads like “Electronic World Transmission” and only recently came to attention again with their surging monument “Electric Elephant”. Indeed, their career is highly remarkable. Now, it is being enriched once more with “Torn Realities”. A heralder of the forthcoming storm entitled “Capitalism TM”, this crushingly produced EP will once again cause an uproar in the scene, will hit rock bottom and will almost reverentially be included in playlists from DJs around the globe. A feverish piece of electronic music about our reality – and the distorted lie that changed places with it long ago.

No one is cladding urgent, critical and unmasking subjects in electronic fortresses just like them, no one crafts songs whose impact is as strong as their contents. Electronic anthems that with incite hearts and move feet. Electronic anthems that will spark a conflagration in body and brain. In this craft, no one quite matches Rotersand. “Torn Realities” gives proof to this with a unique take on critisizing capitalism, set in electronic gold. Just like Ikarus, advancing towards the sun, whose hybris caused his fall high above all others, also this system is bound to collapse. Deep in our hearts, we all know that. It takes artists like Rotersand and colossal harbingers like “Torn Realities”, though, to really make us understand. To make our heart finally realise what our brain already knew. Head and heart in unity. As always with this band.



Electronic Transformers Tour 2015

Neue Termine mit Rotersand innerhalb der Electronic Transformers Tour 2015:

31.10.2015 – München, Technikum / Kultfabrik
05.11.2015 – Nürnberg, Hirsch
06.11.2015 – Werkstatt, Köln
08.11.2015 – Erfurt, From Hell
09.11.2015 – Rostock, Alte Zuckerfarbik

ETT: Electronic Transformers Tour ist ein Projekt von Eventmanagement- ffm GbR mit jährlicher Wiederholung.
Dabei tourt die Agentur im Herbst durch Deutschland. Headliner und Supports der schwarzen Szene sorgen für Vielfältigkeit innerhalb Tour.

Alle Infos auf www.electronictransformerstour.com