René Junge

truth is fanatic again pt3

Rotersand – excerpts of: truth is fanatic again pt3 by krischan wesenberg on Soundcloud

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]



Liebe Kulttempelgäste,

das Konzert „ A Night with Rotersand und Sono“ beginnt am Freitag um 21 Uhr, Einlass ist um 20 Uhr.
Auf den Vorverkaufstickets wurde bedauerlicherweise die falsche Uhrzeit aufgedruckt.
Wir hoffen, dass es mit dem späteren Beginn des Konzertes Euch allen möglich sein wird,
trotz Freitagsnachmittagsstau, pünktlich in Oberhausen anzukommen.

Exclusive A Night with… Remix EP

this beautiful, exqisite and signed cds (with three remixes by sono of rotersand tracks and three remixes made by us for sono on it) will be just available at the our upcoming shows with sono. so another limited exclusive cd which is only available at those shows.

Electric Elephant now released

our new single ‘electric elephant’ has been released today (for the lovely americans release date will be oct3rd on your side of the hemisphere). obviously it is on youtube already. which is cool. nonetheless we wouldn’t mind if you visit the favourite online-music-shop of your choice and enjoy to get it there. make us crazy

A Night with Rotersand & Sono in Braunschweig verschoben

Leider muß die für den 03.10.2014 im Meier / Braunschwieg geplante Show von Rotersand & Sono aus produktionstechnichen Gründen verlegt werden!
Die Show wird nunmehr am 16.01.2015 an gleicher Stelle stattfinden. Alle bisher erworbenen Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit.

Diese Änderung hat keinen Einfluss auf die anderen Termine der Tournee, die wie angekündigt stattfinden werden.

Wir möchten uns für eventuelle Unannehmlichkeiten im Vorwege bei euch entschuldigen und freuen uns auf die Show am 16.01.2015!


10.10.2014 Oberhausen / Kulttempel
11.10.2014 Hamburg / Markthalle
17.10.2014 Leipzig / Werk II
18.10.2014 Frankfurt am Main / Das Bett
05.12.2014 Berlin / K17
16.01.2015 Braunschweig / Meier

Tickets an allen bekannten Vorverkaufstellen

und unter:

sowie im neuwerk Shop:



Krischan with his project homewreckers in New York City

in case you’re living in nyc and you are open for some art: krischan of rotersand is performing with his project homewreckers in nyc. the videos shown are from the well-respect and famous german documentary-film-maker harun farocki. this takes place at 8pm at 5 east3rd street in the goethe-institute (wyoming building). free entrance; no admission


the new DJ Promotion Copy of our new Single/EP “Electric Elephant” as I received the package this morning. We will take some copies with us on our coming German tour. Don´t tell our label. This f***er is strictly limited.

The new track “Electric Elephant” is taken from the forthcoming rework of “Truth is Fanatic” which will be officially released worldwide very soon. For those who can´t make jt on the tour and can´t wait to hear something out of this great new track: Krischan just released some snippets on sound cloud so you also know whats going on my dear Rotersandys. But we very much hope to see most of you guys on our little tour with our friends of Sono. I am so much in love with “Electric Elephant” and full of hope that you will like it, too.