René Junge

hey you

release day: HEY YOU mini album out now. and we have an accompanying video. enjoy

It‘s been more than two years since ROTERSAND delivered their ground-breaking and visionary work “Capitalism TM”. Two years in which the world took another alarming stride towards the abyss, in which the themes on this electronic manifesto became even more apparent, even more suffocating. Man has become entangled in his own spider web, is becoming ever more transparent in social media. He consumes to fill the void, falls and does not even notice in his hubris. Quite the contrary: every day, it gets a little worse.

Trick or Treat!

Nur noch zwei tage bis wir wieder in der heimat und in unserem zweiten zuhause im Kulttempel Oberhausen einer unserer lieblingsbuehnen mit den freunden von [:SITD:] (Official), Formalin und NOISUF-X bespielen koennen. laut Kulttempel gibt es noch ein paar wenige Karten an der Abendkasse fuer kurzentschlossene. wir freuen uns schon heute und bringen masken vielleicht mit.

Trick or Treat 2018