what a concert! It was unique! Thank you for being there. Thank you for supporting us so much. Great souvenir pictures come again from the absolutely fantastic BlackCat:
Konzertsommer im Revier: Rotersand & NOYCE™

We are happy to announce, that Rotersand are going to perform live on 02 October 2020 at the Revierpark Nienhausen, Gelsenkirchen.
500 meters from where Rasc grew up, 2000 meters from where Krischan‘ grew up and still operates his Studio 600 we play a Corona ‚compatible‘ live show on Oct 2nd. The only show in Germany 2020. The first show after the release of „How do you feel Today’. If those of you living around 100 km do not join this, we gonna take it personal. Please join us, we want to make our moms being proud of their sons, watching down on home town.
Tickets: https://www.deinetickets.de/shop/kir/de/start/nocookie/?g=1482&e=1
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/konzertsommer-im-revier-roters/756674855153700/

an interview with us
Rotersand’s Rascal Hueppe & Krischan Jan-Eric Wesenberg*PJ Apocalypse Interview* On The Edge Sun21June20
Gothic Cruise 2020 postponed
The Gothic Cruise 2020 is postponed. The new date: 26.09.2021 – 03.10.2021 (Port Canaveral in Cape Canaveral (Florida) see the official statement:

2020 Gothic Cruise Update:
All Cruises through June 12th have been suspended by government orders across the globe. The CDC and Johns Hopkins are both expecting a 2nd outbreak by the fall, plus they estimate our death toll to double by August. Please remember that some of the band members, and our gothic cruise family members, have health issues and were absolutely terrified of the prospect of getting on a cruise ship whether it be during or on the heels of a pandemic.
After speaking with the cruise line, and taking into account the sheer number of international guests in our group, some of whom have extended travel restrictions, it was determined it was the safest course of action for everyone that would be sailing.
This is a SPECIAL exception for the gothic cruise by Royal Caribbean. They are currently only protecting sailings up to September 1st. Salings after Sept 1st are not being given refunds if they choose to cancel.
If you have travel insurance through me as a usa citizen you are covered and can cancel outright and file with the insurance.
The new saling is: Allure of the Seas, Sept 26 2021. Sister ship to the Harmony, the Allure is still the largest ship at sea. (as they are the same gross tonnage and size).
If you want to sail this year as part of a NONgothic cruise, you can still do that. You NEED to inform me IMMEDIATELY, as Royal is going to automatically move everyone next week to the new sailing. If you choose this option, I will update your invoice to the nongothic cruise sailing price. Given the risk and how up in the air everything is, I don’t recommend it.
Because you have the option to still cruise this year, Royal is not giving refunds. Now if CDC shuts them down longer, or they do decide to protect sailings after September 1st at a later date (but before final), you could get a refund at that time. IF its all confusing, call me and I will walk you through.
For next year – the Lineup is the same:
Rotersand, Combichrist, Die Sektor and Stoneburner
Right now the prices are entry level and a bit high. I expect these to come down though as we get further into 2020.
Keep in mind you now have extra time to plan the ultimate gothic cruise vacation though!!!
Ill be adding everyone to the new group soon. The web page will take some time. Shore excursions will be refunded soon.
So please be patient!
MERA LUNA Festival 2020 abgesagt

Das Damoklesschwert, das über unser aller Köpfen und der Festivalsaison schwebte, hat sich herabgesenkt. Wir können unsere Trauer nicht in Worte fassen. Unser Familientreffen ist stets Anker und Heimathafen in der turbulenten Festivalsaison – doch es hat anscheinend dieses Jahr nicht sollen sein…
Aufgrund des bundesweiten Veranstaltungsverbots bis zum 31. August 2020 müssen wir das M’era Luna Festival 2020 absagen. Wir begrüßen diese Entscheidung natürlich als verständliche und wichtige Sicherheitsmaßnahme für die Bevölkerung und setzen bereits alles daran, eine reibungslose Kommunikation mit euch zu gewährleisten.
Das M’era Luna-Team arbeitet unermüdlich daran, die kommenden Schritte festzuzurren, aber leider brauchen wir dafür noch ein paar Tage. Wir melden uns natürlich schnellstens mit allen Infos bei euch!
How do you feel today?
As of today this Baby is in the world. We hope it brings something good to you in these rough times.

More Infos & Setlist: https://rotersand.net/audio/how-do-you-feel-today/
Now available to stream or as instant gratification download with the pre-order of the upcoming album, “How Do You Feel Today”.
1️⃣ MP3s via Amazon / https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0839P6YWG/
2️⃣ MP3s via iTunes / https://music.apple.com/…/…/how-do-you-feel-today/1493173473
3️⃣ Limited 12″ vinyl plus CD / https://fantotal.de/…/cd12-vinyl-rotersand-how-do-you-feel-…

Ten Days to release
Ten Days to release. We´ve put together a short video using our cover of Blind Vision of the new album. If you like it we might make it a longer video and add more content to it. Oh man you can´t imagine how much we hope that this album is going to reach you, it meant so much to us producing this baby.